Etaine: Magic Survivor
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Final Update Schedule

The update schedule was revised after a few months of common player suggestions.
To view the full HD image, right-click on the image and select "Open image in new TAB".^_^

About the Game

Please note before purchase:

  • 1. This game has no real adult content, only Nudity. If you want to buy adult game, then it may not be able to meet your needs. But you can still look at the CG in the preview image first, which can help you understand the sexy girls of this game.
  • 2. I only have 1920* 1080,1366 *768 monitor. If your monitor is not 16:9, it is recommended to use "Window Mode" to play the game (especially with long fish screen). If the image is mismatched, I apologize to you, it is that I do not have the money to buy advanced monitors for game testing.
  • 3. This game is based on the principle of "good steel is used to the edge", the funds are basically invested in the characters (character drawing, cg and animation frames), so the skills effect, ICONS and sound effects in the game are all from the Unity Store. If you are very resistant to these common assets, the game is difficult to meet your needs.
  • 4. This game is a VS like game with sexy girls (now there are 3 characters, a total of 3 CG sets, 90 magic, 41 artifacts, 120 talents. In addition to the number of characters, the amount of content is already more than most of the ea version of the VS like games), if you want to play a light, can see some sexy girls in VS like game, then you can try this game. If you want an S-class VS like game like Potato Brothers, this game is difficult to meet your needs.
  • 5. Some game design of this game is different from other VS like, please read the tutorial. If you prefer fully automatic combat, you can turn on the "Auto Cast Spell" and "Auto Aim" functions in the Settings.
  • 6. The game is a little difficult in the novice phase, but after understanding the game designs and some skills’ ability, you can easily kill all enemies (about two or three Run).
  • 7. If you feel it is easy to die using Icy, you can try to use Sally (take the artifact route), Sister is very hard to die^_^

Here is the update plan for the game.^_^

Since the final phase of the update plan has been completed so that the game has entered version 1.0, the price will be increased to $3.5 (the actual price will be adjusted according to the region)

The game will have a time of one to two months for bug fixes, experience optimizations, skill balances, and other feasible player suggestions to make a stable version of the Official Release. So I hope you will be eager to give me feedback (especially skills that are not very useful and bugs). But let me be clear, my personal energy, code skills, and money are limited, and you and I may not have the same game design thought and preferences. So please do not force me to make changes under the name of "suggestion".
I will also try out some technology-related features during this time (such as support for Steam Workshop), but I can’t absolutely guarantee that I will be able to make it, and forgive me if I give up. You can see more information in the Update Schedule on the store page. ^_^

The game’s content is all done, and then I will use 2 to 3 weeks to try to support Steam Workshop (but don’t expect it, the success rate is very low), as well as to do text translations in other languages (using DeepL). After that the game will be released as an official version!
Updated List (2024/07/13) :

  • Content: Added Steam leaderboards. (Endless mode and BOSSRUSH mode quit from the battle can upload the highest score from the archive to the leaderboard. However, the score leaderboards of three maps were temporarily added by me, so old players also need to replay one run to have records.)
  • Content: New combination talents "Mana Grace", "Endless Life", "Burst Barrier".
  • Content: New achievements: "Platinum Player" and 5 "Proof of the Master" achievements. And the corresponding Steam achievements.
  • Content: Added the Credit button, now you can see that I can make this game appear only beacause many people support me. ^_^
  • Balance: Increased completion requirements for the achievement "XX Enhancement" to make unlocking skills smoother. It is not so easy to unlock a large number of skills at once, which can reduce the learning cost for new players.
  • Balance: Reduces the score earned for "money" in battle results.

Updated list (2024/07/06) :

  • Experience optimization: Added the "Q & A" feature, which lists common questions from player feedback and questions that I can expect players to be confused about. Convenient for all players to solve doubts. Also welcome everyone feedback and supplement to me.
  • Experience optimization: Added "Movement Vertical Synchronization" setting, when enable, the movement speed of characters and monsters is even, but the game is more prone to stalling. When disable, it can reduce the stalling, but when FPS is unstable, the moving speed will cause the feeling of tearing according to the change of FPS. Choose whether to enable it according to your requirements.
  • Experience optimization: Limit the speed increase after the BOSS is disengaged, preventing the BOSS speed from increasing indefinitely.
  • Experience Optimization: Reduce the speed of arrows shot by Elvish Archer.
  • Balance: "Lightning Rush" adds the effect of have a chance to "paralysis" hit enemies.
  • Balance: "Holy Judgement", "Burn Bone" and "Distortion" reduce cooldown.
  • Balance: "Silver Wall", "Golden Wind" and "Cupreous Leaf" increase damage, and "Cupreous Leaf" changes attack mode.
  • Balance: "Anna" kills enemies now randomly drops all money items instead of just small money bags. "Hector" reduce Flying Speed, and adds the effect of gets bigger over time.
  • Balance: "Avada" increases damage. "Crucio" increases attack size and reduces cooldown. "Imperio" increases the number of curses.
  • Balance: "Abyss Walk" increases the damage and number of Secondary Attacks. "Lightning Shadow" increases the damage of Secondary Attacks.
  • Balance: "Heresy Slayer" increases attack size and optimizes damage formula (equal to doubling damage). "Wings of Hope" increases attack size.
  • Balance: "MP47" reduces cooldown but reduces ammo. "CP01" changes the attack mode and increases ammo. "UP20" increases the percentage coefficient and increases ammo.
  • Balance: "Stone Hard" increases damage and attack size and adds an effect that gains buff to owner.
  • Balance: "Flash", "Storm" and "Stream" reduce cooldown.
  • Balance: "Thor" increases damage and the damage of Secondary Attacks.
  • Balance: "Zhao Yun", "Poseidon" and "Guladius" increase the percentage coefficient.
  • Balance: "Gold Dart" changed the maximum level from 8 to 5.
  • Balance: Improved the value of the Tarot "Magician" and "Tower", optimized the Tarot "Chariot" damage calculation formula, so that the weight of movement speed is increased.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that caused the game not to pause while selecting that opened the menu and then closed it when choosing "Emperor" Tarot card.
  • UI: The conditions of takes effect about the "Victory Vow"uniformly written as "pick up".

Due to the addition of endless mode and other content, the game version has become 1.1, which is closer to the official version. ^_^
Updated List (2024/06/29) :

  • Content: Added "Endless Mode", this is the most difficult mode, because there is no "Victory" outcome. To survive for 60 minutes is already a super master of this game, please cheer for yourself! (PS: Endless mode is not recommended to use builds, because the battle will be obvious stalling latterly-_-||)
  • Content: Added "Soul Power" experiment. The excessive money can be expended to enhance characters indefinitely, but only take effect in Endless Mode. (If take effect in other modes, it will be quite imbalanced.)
  • Content: Added item "Soul Shard" that can be used for Soul Power.
  • Content: New achievements "Unstoppable", "New Challenge", "Survivor", "Extreme Survival", "As Steady as Mountain".
  • Experience optimization: You need to unlock Map 2 to play "BOSS RUSH Mode" to prevent new players from getting to difficult maps and difficult bosses too quickly.
  • Experience Optimization: Optimize the dash speed of BOSS "Hero".
  • BUG: Fixed a bug appear in the "Fool" when it was the last tarot card to be acquired.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that character can push away the Guard enemies (after touching the wall and then leaving).
  • UI: Fix some text errors and translation omissions.
  • UI: Fix highlighting error of "Full Screen Mode" setting button when playing on gamepad!
  • UI: Added a warning on the talent "Charge"!
  • UI: Fixed the rating error of Lucy’s Max HP .

Updated list (2024/06/15) :
The next update will try to make Endless Mode, so it may take two weeks to update. By the way, if I am not satisfied with the numerical balance, I may give up this feature.

  • Experience optimization: Each scene uses a different BGM to reduce the monotony of the BGM.
  • Experience optimization: Add "Use Single BGM" setting, if you don’t like the new BGMs, you can uniformly play the desert scene BGM.
  • Experience Optimization: Increase the "Spell Objects Transparency" and "Artifact Objects Transparency" Settings to protect your eyes more effectively! However, that they can only be set in the main menu, because it will affect a large number of objects, so that modifying it in battle will greatly affect performance.
  • Experience Optimization: Add the "Reduce Game Map Brightness" setting to protect your eyes more effectively!
  • Experience Optimization: Increases the probability of Corresponding Spell when you get the artifacts that can evolve. It will make it easier for you to evolve the artifact. ^_^
  • Content: New talent "Throw Money", "Pacifism", "Back form Hell", "Weight Transfer", "Clear Mind", "Only My Railgun", "Tomb Raider".
  • Content: Changed the previously replaced "Nightmare" and "Weakness Attack" to the combined talent, and modified the effect.
  • Balance: Adjust the effects of Icy Phase 2, Angela and Lucy’s Character Special Skill.
  • Balance: Replace "Economist" in the "Money" talent tree with the new talent "Throw Money". "Economist" adjusts to the combined talent.
  • Balance: "Gold Fever" changed the maximum level from 5 to 3 and improve the value.
  • Balance: "Junk Warrior" and "Trash into Treasure" changed the maximum level from 5 to 3.
  • Balance: Change the combination condition of "Mana Voltage Conversion" to "Mana Voltage" + "High Density".
  • Balance: Improves the value of the talent "Gain Weight" and "Lucky Chance".

Updated List (2024/06/07) :

  • Experience optimization: Added "Mute the Game When Running in the Background" setting based on player feedback.
  • Experience optimization: Based on player feedback, the character sprite in battle will be displayed as the sprite that select in character panel.
  • Experience optimization: Added "Free Dash" setting. Enabling this, the Spells are allowed to be used while standing and be used even if the dash is not over. Please pay attention to mana cost!
  • Experience optimization: When the character is in the enhanced state, she can pass through the Guards, Elites, and BOSSes (but when the enhanced over, it is possible to get caught in the middle of enemies because of this, please pay attention to her movement position!)
  • Balance: "Sea Wave" increases the size.
  • Balance: "Water Wave" extra increases damage by 10 at lv6.
  • Balance: "Bitter Tea" reduces cooldown, extra reduces cooldown at lv3 and extra reduces mana cost at lv5.
  • Balance: "Incinerate" reduces mana cost.
  • Balance: "Fire Pillar" increases damage by 10 when lv3 and lv7 increase damage.
  • Balance: Eliminate the side effects of "Entangle Fire"!
  • Balance: "Mana Stone Affinity" reduces mana cost. "Gravel" reduces cooldown.
  • Balance: "Rock Dash" increases percentage damage!
  • Balance: "Light Arrow", "Light Ball", "Photon" reduces mana cost. "Light Ball", "Holy Light", "Judgement Circle", "Teleportation" reduce cooldown. "Judgement Circle" increased size.
  • Balance: "Thunder Bullet", "Thunder Force", "Thunder Circle" reduce cooldown. "Sunlight Spear", "Thunder Circle", "Thunderbolt" reduce mana cost. "Thunderbolt" increases damage. "Thunder Force" increases the size.
  • Balance: "Thunderbolt" increases "Paralysis" chance on enemies. "Electromagnetization" increases buff enhancement.
  • Balance: "Lightning Jump" reduces cooldown, mana cost, and extra reduces mana cost at lv3 and lv6.
  • Balance: "Dark Arrow" increases ammo. "Ghost Armor" increases mana cost.
  • Balance: Improves the value of the talent "Treasure Hunter" and multiply by the current lucky value.
  • Balance: Adjusts the effects of the talents "Stay Foolish" and "Modesty", and changes the maximum level from 5 to 3.
  • Balance: Improves the value of the talent "Extract".
  • Balance: Adjusts the effect of the talent "Have A Rest". It get a lot of barriers at once now.

Updated list (2024/06/01) :

  • Content: Added "Critical Hit" talent tree. Including "Critical Hit," "Hawk Eye," "Sadism," and "Cold-blooded killer".
  • Content: New Power Up: "CRIT Rate", "Critical Damage".
  • Content: Added achievements "Excellent Damage", "King of Destruction" and "One-punch Woman". Used to unlock the "Critical Hit" talent tree or unlock the Power Up "Critical Damage" and "CRIT Rate".
  • Content: Added a description of "About Critical Hit" to the "Keyword" Encyclopedia.
  • Balance: Replace "Critical Strike" in the "Lucky" talent tree with a new talent, "Treasure Hunter".
  • Balance: Changed the maximum level of "Forced Drop" from 5 to 3.
  • Balance: Replace "Nightmare" in the "Penetration Advanced" talent tree with a new talent, "Keep Sharp".
  • Balance: Replaced the combined talent "Weakness Attack" with the new talent "Deadly Perforation".
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that if the spells was interrupted (i.e. quiting the battle, etc.), the character would not be able to collide with enemies in later battles.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that character could be hit by enemy bullets when she is in "Complete Evasion".
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the "Dash Speed" and "Dash duration" of spells would receive bonuses in the pause panel.
  • Balance: Improves the value of the talent "Survivors", "Mana Voltage Conversion".
  • Balance: "Ice Star" shoot an additional object at lv6. "Ice Wave" shoot a extra copy of the spell in the opposite direction at lv6!
  • Balance: "Cyclone" shoot an additional object at lv4, lv7, but reduces damage.
  • Balance: "Vortex" increases damage and reduces cooldown.
  • Balance: "Wind Running Step" reduces mana cost, "Wind Dash" reduces mana cost.
  • UI: Fixed a text error in English text that the required conditions for combined talents.
  • UI: Added the effect of lucky in the game to the "Lucky" talent text.

Updated list (2024/05/25) :

  • Content: Added BOSS RUSH Mode, hardcore players can challenge yourselves that complete a run as faster as you can!
  • Content: Updated difficulty level to a maximum of 20.
  • Update the Challenge Mode, the adding "START DASH!!", "Keep Hungry, Keep Foolish". The Challenge mode is hard and is only recommended for hardcore players who want to challenge themselves.
  • UI: Increased the checking times for the achievement "Spell Omnipotence", the achievement will show in the result panel immediately when it is done.
  • Balance: Reduced spawn quantity of Common enemies generated in the later stages of "Prison Passage" in order to increase FPS and reduce stalling!
  • BUG: Fix a bug that "Shooter" and "Wizard" enemies can still move when frozen!
  • BUG: Fixed bugs that "Victory Vow" spawns and flies out of map range in "Prison Passage"!
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that "MP47", "CP01", "UP20" damage calculation formula wrong (I miss Spell Element Damage Bonus in their match spell)!

The next update will complete the rest contents of the V1.0 release. Expect five to seven days. When the game is updated, the price will be raised, so it will be cheaper to buy now ^_^
Updated list (2024/05/20) :

  • Content: Added a third map (Prison Passage) and updated the Enemy Encyclopedia. The new map is very difficult, it is recommended to have enough money to Power Up before playing it. And non-hardcore players don’t have to force yourselves to complete this map.
  • Content: Added "Wizard" enemies, will cast spells from a distance, and since their spells are delayed, the spell circles will not disappear even if they are killed. The spells deal 3x of their damage.
  • Content: New boss, Hero: Note that there are different prepare actions in different attack.
  • Content: New boss, Dark Mage: can cause a lot of damage by spells, pay attention to avoid them. (PS: The new BOSSes are very powerful, it is recommended to challenge the high difficulty after the BOSS is familiar in the low difficulty. Otherwise you may be confused when the BOSS defeat you in a few seconds.)
  • Balance: Reduced enemy prefab objects so that slightly accelerated loading into battle scene.

Updated list (2024/05/15) :

  • BUG: Fixed a bug that choosing the "Fool" tarot card and then selecting "Emperor" did not turn into game pause state.
  • BUG: Fix a bug that all the "boots" need to move too far to generate objects!
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that choosing the "Fool" tarot card and then selecting "Star" or "Wheel of Fate" would not take effect.

Updated list (2024/05/14) :

  • Content: Added the Function of "Change Initial Skill".
  • Content: Added Hitori’s victory achievements. Added the achievement "Spell Omnipotence". Completing an achievement will unlock a corresponding ability to Power Up.
  • Content: New Power Up: Banish Spells. You can choose the spells you don’t like from the Spell Encyclopedia in the main menu. The selected spells will not appear in battle.
  • Content: New Artifacts: "Bleach", "Isabella", "Chrome", "Chloranthy", "Momoko", "Onepiece", "Silver Serpent"
  • Content: Added Tarot cards: "Fool", "Chariot".
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that some sound effects did not change volume after adjusting the sound volume in battle scenes!
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that some talents combining could not appear! For example, after learning "Burning Bullets", "Electrostatic Repulsion" may not appear in the talent pool.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that "Thor" might not spawn derivatives!
  • Balance: Increased the damage of the "Necklace" and changed the maximum level of the "Necklace" from 8 to 5, making it easier to evolve!

Special Discount Notice: This game will get 30% discount in "Endless Replayability Fest". From May 14 to May 21 (each time zone may vary slightly), you can add the game to your wishlist now and buy it when it’s on discount^_^
Updated List (2024/05/09) :

  • Content: Hitori can be used now. She is a war orphan, found by Lara on a relic expedition and adopted by the Nightingale family, and can use Dark and Earth spells. Not having done any training or combat, she is in poor physical condition (please note that her Max HP is very low). For some reason, Hitori’s victory achievement will need to be completed in the next update, please forgive me.
  • Content: Relocks "Gravel", "Dilation", "Ghost Armor", "Bowling Stone", "Superheavy" and "Weakness", which need to increase Hitori’s Soul Echo Rank to unlock. "Boots" also need to increase Hitori’s Soul Echo Rank to unlock.
  • Content: New artifacts: "Lucky Rabbit Ears", "Boots", "Robe", "Ring", "Thunder of Farewell", "Esdeath", "Darkmoon", "Lighting Fast", "Storm", "Hokage".
  • Content: Added achievements: "For Ranni", "Bunny ♡" and "Iron Skin" to unlock the corresponding artifacts. They are new achievement designed in this week, so that old players will also have to re-accumulate the number of wins.
  • Balance: Changed the specific magic of "Wings of Hope" that needs to match "Levitation" now. "Boomerang" match "Wind Running Step" can evolve into "Storm".
  • BUG: Fixed the layer of Stargazer’s attack objects and the layer of red circle about Self-explosion enemies, now they are no longer blocked by skill objects!
  • BUG: Fixed an issue using the gamepad when the character avatar was highlighted on the character selection panel, but the character avatar was still highlighted after pressing the B/Circle to return to the main panel and then open the character selection panel again.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that "Victory Vow" had the opportunity to generate multiple copies when using spells to pick up!
  • UI: In the Tutorial scene, when using the gamepad to open the pause panel, it will jump to the "Continue" button for navigation now. The pause panel in the Tutorial scene only "Quit" and "Continue" have button effects, so there is no way to navigate to other buttons.
  • UI: When the character is unable to learn any skills, the 3 "Permanent Select" buttons will show on the upgrade panel. They are replaced with the correct image and the selected highlight effect is added.

Updated List (2024/04/30) :

  • Content: Update controller adaptation! The game can be played using the controller now!! (But I rarely use controllers, so now I only implement the operation function, please give me feedback on the specific optimization, if it can be done, I will also complete it before the official version^_^ About UI highlighting, because I did not know that controller operations must have a highlighting effect, so now many UI components are highlighted by changing color, please note this and forgive me!)
  • Content: Add Controller Button Settings, allow some keys to be changed!
  • UI: Add the text description "Controller Operation" in the "Tutorial" Encyclopedia. Players who use the controller should go to watch it before playing the game with controller!!!
  • UI: Update all the description text related to the controll keys(add some description about the controller keys, mainly for the Tutorial)!!!
  • UI: Fix "Gold Dart" Chinese description error.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the effect of killing all enemies when picking up "Victory Vow" was interrupted because players kill enemies too quickly.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that "Magneto" would not take effect and stop timer when the "Victory Vow" is in FOV.

The next update will try to update the controller adaptation, so I may take more time to study how to implement the feature, so the next update will require a longer waiting time, please forgive me.

Updated list (2024/04/18) :

  • Content: Add new achievements to Steam Achievements.
  • Balance: The effect of difficulty level 11 was changed to "Small enemies spawn more often" in order to increase FPS and reduce stalling!

Updated list (2024/04/17) :

  • Content: Updated difficulty level.
  • Content: Update the Challenge Mode, the adding "The Prayer of the Virgin", "Double Blade, Double Wives", "Too Many Elite", "Prank Expert" four challenges. The Challenge mode is hard and is only recommended for hardcore players who want to challenge themselves.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the "Grimoire" would still appear on upgrade panel when using Sally Phase 2.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that "Laser Grimoire" will get a bonus form Ammo of spells. Fixed a bug that "Magma Grimoire" did not receive a bonus form Ammo of artifact in Icy Phase 2.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that "Flame Ray" and "Split Beam" would shoot out in the wrong position when the character’s size changed or the spell size increased.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that picking up "Death Relic" did not immediately kill Shooter enemies and Self-explosion enemies.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the "Super Attack" did not work against Shooter enemies and Self-explosion enemies.
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the "Overload Voltage" could directly kill the BOSS when the condition was met.
  • UI: Added category buttons in Enemy Encyclopedia.
  • Balance: Reduced spawn quantity of Common enemies generated in the later stages of "Boundless Prairie" in order to increase FPS and reduce stalling!

Since the second phase of the update plan has been completed so that the game has entered version 0.9, the price will be increased to $3 (the actual price will be adjusted according to the region)

Updated list (2024/04/09) :

  • Character: Finished the phase 2 of Sally, I hope you like the design of her dress ^_^
  • Content: Relock the "Grimoire" and need to complete the victory achievement of Sally 2 to unlock it.
  • Content: Added the second map(Boundless Prairie) and updated the Enemy Encyclopedia. The new map is more difficult, it is recommended to have enough money to Power Up before playing it.
  • Content: Added "Self-explosion" enemies. They can pass through all enemies to get close to the character and then detonate themselves. The explosions deal 4x of their damage.
  • Content: New BOSS, Stargazer: There will be star, moon, sun revolve around him, pay attention to grasp the distance with him.
  • Content: New BOSS, Bomber Fish: It will launch attack objects with "Self-explosion" ability, can cause a lot of damage, pay attention to avoid them.
  • (PS: The new BOSSes are very powerful, it is recommended to challenge the high difficulty after the BOSS is familiar in the low difficulty. Otherwise you may be confused when the BOSS defeat you in a few seconds.)
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the artifact entered the skill pool again after using the "Emperor" evolution artifact!
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the text display was abnormal due to the lack of corresponding spells when using the "Emperor" evolution "Magic Gun"!
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the survival timer was suspended at difficulty 10 when generating elites due to player had destroyed too many "extra elites". Because at difficulty 10, it generates Double elite. (I’m sorry to anyone who might have triggered this bug. Because I had not considered this situation in the last update.)


  • BUG: Fixed a bug that the phantom was not the corresponding character when using "Shadow Teleportation".
  • BUG: Fixed a bug that could survive in attack after the HP turned negative through a special condition.
  • UI: Added category buttons in Artifact Encyclopedia.
  • Balance: Adjust the hitbox size of the stars and moon to make it more correct in visual.
  • [/list]

    Updated list (2024/03/25) :

    • Content: New artifacts: "Silver Wall", "Avada", "Abyss Walk", "Lava Hot", "Flash", "Adam", "Zhao Yun", "Edelgard", "Wings of Hope", "Firm Oath", "Poseidon", "Vortex Grimoire".
    • Content: Added Tarot cards: "Emperor", "Sun".
    • UI: Fix Lucy’s sprite size error in battle!
    • UI: Fixed an error in the English description of "Eternal Pledge".
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that the survival timer was suspended when generating elites due to player had destroyed too many "extra elites".
    • BUG: Fixed the bug that the artifact "Lightning Shadow" unable to evolve due to the loss of the prefab.
    • BUG: Fixed the bug that the Spell "Teleportation" and "Lightning Jump" could not be used due to add the new spell "Shadow Teleportation" last updata.
    • Balance: Increases the damage and size of "Cupreous Leaf", increases the damage of "Spear", "Guladius".
    • Balance: Adjust the impact of Flying Speed on collision displacement.

    Updated list (2024/03/17) :

    • Content: Lucy can be used now. She is an ordinary person driven to madness by various misfortunes and awakened to magical talents, who can use Dark and Wind spells. She is the most powerful character in the setting and can easily kill all kinds of opponents in seconds. But her Luck is very low, please note that!
    • Content: Added 15 new Dark spells. (Dark spell has the most damage, but the cooldown and mana cost are too high, and it is not recommended to use dark spell alone without any Power Up.)
    • Content: Added talents: "Dark Enhancement" and it’s talent tree.
    • Content: Relock "Tracking Tornado", "Wind Bless", "Whirlwind Underfoot", "Levitation" and "Wind Blade Slay", which need to increase Lucy’s Soul Echo Rank to unlock.
    • Content: New achievement: "Dark Enhancement" to unlock the corresponding talent tree. New achievements: Absolute Strength, Character Victory 7.
    • UI: Fixed a bug in English and Traditional Chinese where the text did not change after the Luck parameter effect was modified.
    • UI: Adjust the position of the tutorial button. Also modify the button blocking area in the tutorial to make it easier to "QUIT" the tutorial. However, it is recommended that new players watch the full tutorial first, and there is a monetary reward ^_^
    • UI: Fixed a text error where Angela did not display the initial skill.
    • UI: Fixed a text error that after the last version update, the text of the confirm button in Disable all XX panels.
    • Balance: Adjust the default parameters of the Pick Range for Icy and Lara.
    • BUG: Fix Steam Achievement "God of War" progress display abnormal bug.
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that the locked icon was not displayed in the Spell Encyclopedia due to the new update about the Favorite Spells.

    Updated list (2024/03/09) :

    • Content: Make Steam achievements. Key achievements completed in-game will also be displayed in Steam Achievements now. (If you have unlocked the achievement before, the Steam achievement will be automatically unlocked in the game’s result panel when the battle is finished.)
    • Content: Added Tutorial. It is recommended that players who are not familiar with the game complete the tutorial before playing.
    • Content: New achievements: "Gladiator 3", "Millionaire" and "God of War 3". Completing an achievement will unlock a corresponding ability to Power Up.
    • Content: New Power Up: Favorite Spells. You can choose your favorite spell from the Spell Encyclopedia in the main menu. In battle, the probability of selected spell showing up from the spell random pool is doubled.
    • Content: New Power Up: Gift Summon. You can survive for a certain amount of time to gain an extra chance to pick up fate cards. (You can get more Tarot effects in battle)
    • Content: New Power Up: Taunt. You can kill more enemies in battle!
    • Balance: Cancel the effect that the lucky can increases elite occurrence rate.
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that treasure chests generated by talent "Trash into Treasure" may be outside the map.
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that the reward exchange between "Elite Killer" and "BOSS Killer".
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that enemies would move again after being repelled while "freezing".
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that certain fire elements could not be attacked and would not automatically disappear.
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that enemies would have fire animations when they respawn after gaining paralysis.
    • UI: Fix some text errors.

    • Updated List (2024/02/24) :

    • Content: Updated difficulty level.
    • Content: Update the Challenge Mode, the existing "Fate Order", "Plastic world", "Be in a Dilemma", "Power Within" four challenges. The Challenge mode is hard and is only recommended for hardcore players who want to challenge themselves. (If you can use Icy complete the advanced mode of Difficulty 10 with zero Power-Up, then the Challenge Mode is fine for you.)
    • Balance: Tarot "Temperance" increases effect, when HP less than 100, Spell Damage doubles will also take effect.
    • Balance: Opening the treasure chest now will prioritize the existing artifacts, making it easier to raise them to full level; Reduce the appearance of unwanted artifacts, resulting in waste.
    • UI: When "Using Pixel Skill Icons" is switch on, the main scene title also changes to pixel style.
    • BUG: Fixed a BUG that the unlocking content panel does not show up, when the character’s Soul Echo Rank was increased if you haven’t completed any achievement in this run.

    Updated list (2024/02/08) :

    • BUG: Fixed an incorrect description of the icon guide in the spell skill tree.
    • Content: New BOSS: Pyromancer. He has three long-range attacks. Be aware of the distance from him, if you’re near the range of him, he could trigger double shooting.
    • Content: New enemy type: Shooter. Changed the monster "Fire element" from a normal enemy to a shooter.
    • Content: Add "Advanced mode", need to survive for 20 minutes.
    • Content: Add "Enemy Group", the specific time will generate many identical monsters. Enemy Group typically have special action patterns, At the same time, the monsters of the Enemy Group have higher parameters.

    Since the first phase of the update plan has been completed so that the game has entered version 0.8, the price will be increased to $2.50 (the actual price will be adjusted according to the region)

    Updated list (2024/01/24) :

    • UI: Add version number display (bottom right corner of main menu), the next update will complete the 20-minute mode and other content. When the game is updated, the price will be raised, so it will be cheaper to buy now. (Maybe you can tell your friends^_^)
    • Content: New artifacts: "Lightning Rush", "Hector", "Lightning Shadow", "Grace of Light", "Thor", "Stone Hard", "Stream", "Guladius".
    • Content: Added talents: "Thunder Enhancement", "Paralysis Fever" and its talent tree.
    • Content: Added Tarot cards: "Star", "Judgement".
    • Content: New achievements: "Thunder Enhancement", "Paralysis Fever" to unlock the corresponding talent tree.
    • Balance: Reduce the flying speed of the "Victory Vow" and extend its flight time. Make it easier for the player to see where it’s flying. Also modify the description to make it easier for new players to understand its mechanics, which only works when it is picked up on the map!
    • UI: Spells can also show the evolution tree of artifacts now.
    • UI: Reduces the size of the English text of the skill description in the Encyclopedia panel.
    • UI: The wrong image was fixed in the skill group section of Fate Gift while the game was paused.

    Updated list (2024/01/15):

    • Character: Angela can be used now. She is an orderly and kind little girl who can use fire and thunder spells.
    • Content: Add 15 new thunder spells.
    • Content: Can unlock the spell "Entangle Fire" through achievements now.
    • Content: New achievements: Gladiator 1, Gladiator 2, Burning Heart, Character Victory 6.
    • Content: Relocking "Fire Bomb" and "Incinerate" requires increasing Angela’s soul resonance level to unlock.
    • BUG: Fixed a bug that "Resurrection" did not have an effect after purchase.

    Updated list (2024/01/05) :

    1. Content: Increased Difficulty Level System.
    2. Content: Added Power Up to downgrade money back function, easy for players to fine-tune according to different characters.
    3. Gameplay Settings: Increase the setting of display of character sprite in battle.
    4. Gameplay Settings: New setting "Limit "Cooldown Overclock"", when MP is less than 30%MaxMP will interrupt the "Cooldown Overclock".
    5. Gameplay Settings: New setting "Auto Cast Mobility Spell", even after enable "Auto Cast Spell", you can still choose whether to set automatic use of Mobility Spell.
    6. Gameplay Settings: New setting "Auto Cast High Cost Spell (higher than 150MP)", enable "Auto Cast Spell", you can still choose whether to set automatic use of High Cost Spell.
    7. BUG: Fixed a serious bug that caused the game to be unresponsive, when the “Wand”(Imperio) could not find enough enemies to kill.
    8. BUG: Fixed a bug that artifact “Eternal Pledge” spawn location.
    9. BUG: Fixed a bug that spell “Absolute Zero” and “Levitation” will automatically continue to use.
    10. BUG: Fixed a bug that initial skills will not be "Disabled" and "Deleted".
    11. BUG: Fixed a bug when the base shield didn’t disappear after shield evolution.
    12. BUG: Fixed a bug that “Collision” artifact not having the effect of pushing enemies away.
    13. Balance: Reduce the weight of the artifacts “Axe” and “Anna”.
    14. Balance: Increases the weight of the BOSS.
    15. Balance: Add a must-appear elite to the battle, giving the player one more treasure chest. At the same time adjust the occurrence probability of different elites.
    16. UI: Adjust the English font size of the Settings Panel.
    17. UI: Adjust the size of the item indicating arrow.
    18. UI: Adjust the button size and font size of "Reselect", "Skip" and "Delete".

    Update log: December 31 :

    • Added STEAM Cloud saving feature.
    • Added in-game viewing update log.
    • Added the effect of attracting the Mana Stone and money after victory.
    • Adjusted some text colors.nOptimized the beginner tutorial text.
    • Shows skill unlocks of soul echo.
    • Re-adjusted the experience required for the soul echo rank (reduced the experience required for the rank)
    • Corrected the skill tree route icon in the battle.
    • Added prompt sound when description changes. (For example, in the Encyclopedia, the mouse moves to the skill icon will appear prompt sound.)
    • Added "Sage Mode", which can be used by novices to familiarize the game system.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the accumulation of choices when giving up on Fate Gift.
    • Fixed a bug that when getting Wheel of Fortune, you would lose the next selection after clicking the give up button.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the loss of upgrade options after choosing or giving up rewards when Treasure chests, Fate Gifts and upgrade options appeared at the same time.
    • Reduced the transparency of the time stop effect, making it easier for the player to see the scene.
    • Fixed the bug that time stop effect of DIO’s Watch replaced by a shorter stop effect by Stone Mask.
    • Increased the probability of the character’s initial skill.
    • Change the indicator icon of the Victory Vow to red.

    Update log: December 16

    • 1. The design of another heroine has been completed and can be played in the game. Lara, is a sexy doctor who doesn’t really like men.
    • 2. Update the game UI to pixel style UI.
    • 3. Added Earth magic.
    • 4. Complete the English translation of the in-game text. If you find any omissions or translation errors, please leave a comment on Steam and contact me. Email:

    Update log: November 19

    • 1. The design of another heroine has been completed and can be played in the game.
    • 2. Added fire magic and Light magic.
    • 3. More skills have been created, with the number of magics increasing from 33 to 61, artifacts increasing from 12 to 26(14 of which are evolved super artifacts), and talents increasing from 74 to 115.
    • 4. Complete the encyclopedia function, and now you can check almost all contents in the game at any time^_^
    • 5. Optimize audio playback.
    • 6. Add shadows for characters and monsters.
    • 7. Strengthen some of the weaker skills.
    • 8. Change the firing position of the skill, change the sight crystal to the sight line.
    • 9. Add the Switch Settings of whether the mouse can move out of the game, display the FPS, and the character rendering layer is higher than the skill rendering layer.
    • 10. Reduce the movement speed of monsters and optimize the refresh time and number of monsters.
    • 11. Fix some bugs.

      Update log: October 19

      • 1. Complete the change language function, support traditional Chinese now, English needs to seek Chinese-English translation.
      • 2. Add automatic magic function. Make it easier for players who are used to playing the VS like games without manual control.
      • 3. Add automatic aiming function. Make it easier for players who are used to playing the VS like games without manual control.
      • 4. Complete the customization button function, now the player can customize the key ^_^
      • 5. Optimize upgrade experience curve. Added manual upgrade and level up storage.
      • 6. Add "Skip" and "Delete" functions to better control the results of upgrade options.
      • 7. Complete the map guide function for important items.
      • 8. Add CD display Settings.
      • 9. Added the function to use positioning magic directly.
      • 10. Add item drop limits.
      • 11. Add some prompts.
      • 12. Fix some bugs.
      • 13. Optimize part of the text, UI display.
      • 14. Change the battle background map to pixel style map.

      Update log on September 19th

      • 1. More skills have been created, with the number of magics increasing from 13 to 33, artifacts increasing from 8 to 12 (and some artifacts can already awaken to evolve), and talents increasing from 54 to 74.
      • 2. Complete the function of strengthening characters from main menu.
      • 3. Add game tutorials.
      • 4. Add the function of check character information when pausing the game.
      • 5. Add a character selection panel, the game has changed from 1 heroine to 6 characters. But the other 5 characters is in the making.
      • 6. The heroine can change to another stage(an appearance skin with a new abilitie)
      • 7. Drawn 1 CG for the heroine, which can be unlocked by completing a match!
      • 8. Created a new promotional video.

      Etaine: Magic Survivor is a time survival game.
      Face an onslaught of endless monster, will you be able to strengthen yourself and survive for 10 minutes by choosing magic, artifacts, and talents to create unique builds?

      Only supports mouse, keyboard. Controller not supported!

      key Features

      ·Dynamic Builds: With 13 different magic, 8 different artifacts and over 50 different talents to choose from throughout a run, no two attempts will ever be the same.
      ·Precise Control or Auto Attack: Magic requires you to directional aim and active firing. But artifacts will automatically attack. It depends on your own combat style!
      ·Magic and Mana: There are several different types of magic: Bullet, Penetration, Entity, Area, and Assist. Build that according to your own combat style. Magic is the main method of eliminating enemies, but it requires manual control and cost Mana. Please note if you have enough Mana to use magic! Mana can automatically recharge or recharge by picking up mana stones dropped by monsters.
      ·Artifacts: Artifacts are the minor method of eliminating enemies. They will automatically attack the enemy, but they are not strong enough and will occupy a portion of Mana. Please note if you have enough Mana to drive the artifact! I think you may need some magic to assist^_^
      ·Talents: There are a large number of talents to choose from, which is an important factor affecting build. Talents are generally used to enhance personal abilities and magic, with little impact on artifacts. Please try multiple combinations as much as possible, as it may cause a qualitative change in strengthen yourself.
      ·Quickly level up: Kill monsters then gain experience directly! Don’t worry about getting stuck in unupgradable situations like other survival games. Instead, you may need to pick up gems(mana stones) dropped by monsters to recharge the Mana that you cost quickly by eliminating monsters.


      1. The faster you kill monsters, the faster you level up.
      2. Magic and artifacts need to be centrally upgraded, and quickly increasing the level of the same magic or artifact can make them more powerful.
      3. Please choose a reasonable key button for magic.
      4. It is not necessary to learn attack magic in all 6 magic fields, learning one or two assist magic may lead to better survival.
      5. Talents have little impact on artifacts. But they can make a qualitative change in magic!
      6. Don’t rush to pick up items, wait until you need them. For example, only pick up Magic stones when Mana is low.
      7. Don’t be afraid of BOSS, it’s here to give gifts^_^

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    Sometimes a Steam Digital Code requires an EU IP-Address in order to be activated on Steam. Read the store’s description if it’s only required for activation or if you also need an EU IP-Address in order to play Etaine: Magic Survivor CD key. If you don’t know how to do this, most stores offer help or a tutorial.

    Activate the Steam Digital CD Key Code on the Steam Client. Log in and look at the left bottom corner and click on “Add a Game…” and then on “Activate a product on Steam”. Put in the code for Etaine: Magic Survivor CD key and have it in your Steam library, ready for download! You can install Steam to activate your Etaine: Magic Survivor key

    Steam Keys are intended as a useful tool for game developers to sell their game in other online stores and retail. Steam Keys can be activated by customers on Steam to license Etaine: Magic Survivor. Valve offers the same free bandwidth and services to customers who activate a Steam Key as to customers who purchase a license directly on Steam.

    Many sellers are wholesalers who buy game keys in bulk directly from the developers and publishers. Because they buy a large number of products at once, they buy them at much lower prices. This in turn allows them to offer their customers attractive discounts.

    A Etaine: Magic Survivor key for the Steam-Client does not expire and after activation Etaine: Magic Survivor can be downloaded and played forever. This also applies to all other clients.

    Often games that are playable on Steam are also available on: Rockstar Games, Epic Games Store, EA, Humble Bundle, Windows 10,, Xbox Play Anywhere,, UPlay and Amazon. Make sure to check all offers and that you are buying a Helldivers 2 Key for the right Client.

    EMEA stands for European and Middle East or Africa, and a several other countries. Read the store’s description to see which countries are allowed to activate the Steam Etaine: Magic Survivor CD Key, or you can use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

    You receive a gift on your Steam account. You have to accept this Steam gift so Etaine: Magic Survivor can be added to your Steam library and ready for download. Read the store’s description if there are any region restrictions. A Etaine: Magic Survivor Steam gift is not a Etaine: Magic Survivor Steam CD Key.
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    Etaine: Magic Survivor / 伊泰恩:魔法幸存者 Steam CD Key
    Etaine: Magic Survivor / 伊泰恩:魔法幸存者 Steam CD Key
    Etaine: Magic Survivor

    Release date
    23 Dec, 2023

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    System Requirement


    • OS: Win 10
    • Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz
    • Memory: 16 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
    • Storage: 1 GB available space

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